ABS Jets

We care. In the sky and on the ground.

We are a major business aviation company in Central and Eastern Europe.

Non-binding request

Average response time is within 1 h (24/7); you can be airborne in just 2 h.

Contact us

Average response time is within 1 h (24/7)

Komplexní služby v oblasti letectví


We are a leading business aviation company in Central and Eastern Europe. With a team of more than 250 professionals and a base in the heart of Europe, at Václav Havel Airport in Prague and M.R. Štefánik Airport in Bratislava, we provide aircraft management, aircraft rental, aircraft maintenance, handling, flight planning and hangarage.


The corporate culture at ABS Jets is based on the provision of exceptional services. We regard safety as our highest priority in all regards. We can therefore guarantee our clients top-quality services. Every ABS Jets employee shares this mission and it is the duty of the quality and safety department to supervise it at the company level.

Kvalita a bezpečnost bez kompromisů
Rychlost a komfort


Do you need to depart quickly for a business meeting or are you planning an exotic holiday? Your flight can be ready in two hours. An experienced crew is awaiting you on board and it will ensure that your flight is an unforgettable experience for you and your nearest and dearest.


Contact us

More news
Contact us +420 602 136 230

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